Wow! This is the
latest free browsing cheat you need to browse for free on your airtel sims. It works on both android, symbian, and all other mobile smartphones, it also rocks with top speed on PC.
Here is all you need for the configurations.
Port: 80
Just follow the procedure below to configure any of your device
To set the airtel FBT on PC, First make sure your internet modem is well set with Airtel default settings with APN:-
Now open your
Firefox browser or any other browser and navigate to tools>>Option>>advance>>Network>>settings>> Then tick on the Manual proxy configuration and then set the proxy address as and port as 80 then click on the use this proxy server for all protocol box and then save settings.
After the above procedure, navigate to general at the top of the popup window, then input as the homepage address.
Once the above procedure is completed, open the homepage address, and input any website you'd wish to visit and start surfing free.
How to set the Airtel Free Browsing Tweak on Android Devices:
Go to your mobile network and edit the internet settings, then setup your proxy address and port with the below:
Proxy address or IP:
Then run your any browser you'd wish to surf the free browsing and input in your address bar, then you'll be redirected to a page where you're to input any website you'd wish to surf, then you're good to go.
How to set the Airtel Free Browsing Tweak on Symbian Phones:
For Symbian users, simply move to settings>>connections>> then acess point setup and input as the proxy address, then 80 as the port.
Then open your mobile browser, setup homepage as then startup your browser and start blazing.
How to set the Airtel Free Browsing Tweak on JAVA Phones:
For Java users, simply navigate to
Settngs>>configuration>>personal configuration settings>option>>add new>>web
Configure it and then input as the proxy address, then 80 as the port.
Then open your mobile browser, setup homepage as then startup your browser and start blazing.
Hope you do rock this
cheap free browsing cheat. Cheers!