Most times, I get a lot of mails and also in my daily live activities, people approach me asking how they can configure their android smartphones to be able to access the internet.
Configuring your android device to be able to use the internet is no rocket science and involves simple techniques which everyone out there can really tweak.
How to set up internet connections settings for Android
Here is how you can configure your android device to make use of the internet.
Just follow this below steps to set up yours in no time.
First Step: You need to find your APN settings, but note that for each of all the types of Android device, there are different ways to access this:
Go to your
Applications >Then Settings > And then goto Wireless and Networks > Goto Mobile Networks > Goto Access Point names.
Go to
Menu > Settings > Mobile Network (Under Wireless & Networks) > Access Point Names. APN.
SAMSUNG or other Manufacturer
Application > Settings > More Settings > Mobile Networks >Tick Mobile Data > Access Point names
Second Step: Now after performing all the above steps for your phones, now just input all these necessary details in your APN settings
Tap the left side of the settings in the mobile networks and the tap New APN then enter the following:
Name as NEWAPN and Ok.
APN as internet and Ok.
Proxy is not set
Port is not set
Username is not set
Password is not set
Server is not set
MMSC is not set
MMS Proxy is not set
MMS Port is not set
MCC as 505
MNC as 02
Authentication Type as PAP
APN Type internet or leave it at default.
APN protocol (should be greyed out or not displayed):IPv4
Enable/Disable APN (should be greyed out or not displayed):Box ticked
Bearer (if displayed):Unspecified
Now just press the menu button and then SAVE it after that just tap the back button.
Now tap NEWAPN (if using an HTC device skip next step). But if you do not see it in other phones, just forget it.
Press the home button (if using a Samsung or other manufacturer’s device then you have finished)
Now tap back key.
Turn on Mobile Networks by tapping on the right hand side of the screen (OFF to ON)
Seriously! You have simply configured your android device to work with the internet. I hope you love this post, feel free to share on your social networks.