How Often do you backup your blog? You should know that your blog needs to be backedup once in a while. Even a day to day backup is adviceable because you dont know what might happen next.

There are Several reasons to backup your blog and that is what we are going to be discussing today.
Reason #1. Security Attacks: Security attacks has been the Ordeal for most bloggers today as Hackers are always targetting popular blogs/websites. Though this is more common with wordpress/self hosted blogs, other bloggers on other blogging platforms should take this issue serious because hackers can do anything at anytime.
Since security threat is one of most common ways people lose their blogs, it's a good reason one has to Backup his Blog/website. Those on wordpress can use a simple plugin like
Backup Buddy which Helps to send you your blog backup daily to your email address or send it to another server, and this way it's taken care of every day without you having to do anything extra works.
Reason #2. Server Problems:
This Is another major reason you should backup your blog. This has affected many self hosted blogs and websites and it happens when the server of your webhost crashes.
Sometimes, Your webhost might not have all those files backup for you and you know what that means? Your website/blog is gone and all your hard work will be gone within few seconds.
For this Reason, you should always backup your blog/website knowing that even if you server shuts down finally, You can Start from where you stopped within a few hours.
Reason #3. Blogger Deleting Your Blog:
This is the greatest disadvantage of using blogger blogging platform. Your blog can be deleted at anytime without your notice. For this reason, making a backup for yourr blog is highly adviceable even though you might lose your Blog URl, you wont lose your Blog posts and Design
5 Reasons You should use a custom domain on bloggerReason #4. Virus Attack: Virus might want to visit your Blog/webhost which when it succeeds in its mission, Will Wipe away your blog/website hardwork within a few seconds. When you dont have a backup for your blog/website, All your data/informations stored on your website/blog will be a thing of the past.
Should incase you Suspect any kind of virus/malware on your blog/website, you should endeavour to contact your webhost to run a virus scan on you blog. This will only help to remove the virus but if it has already wiped out some data/informations from your blog/website without you having a backup, then you should be ready to start all over again.
For these reason, You should always backup your blog once in a while or at best, make a daily backup.
Title : Top 4 Reasons You Should Always Backup Your Blog
Description : How Often do you backup your blog? You should know that your blog needs to be backedup once in a while. Even a day to day backup is adviceab...