We all knows that showing adverts on blog is a means of generating income for the blog owner. But After Visiting Many professional blogs, i come to realise that there are many other ways by which they make money online apart from showing ads such as adsense, chitika, infolinks on their blogs.

#1. Writing and Selling Ebooks:
Many Pro bloggers use this means to generate income from their blogs. Their blog readers/subscribers Always believe in them and anything they say. The Readers are always willing to Buy These Ebooks which the pro bloggers offer for sale.
#2. Consultancy:
Many Pro bloggers also make it big from this means. Since they are known as Professionals, They may offer consultancy services relating to developing and writing a successful Blog post.
#3. Sponsored Posts:
This is one of the biggest ways Pro Bloggers make Money from their blogs. There are guys online who are willing to Pay a Blogger Some amount of money so the blooger can publish the sponsored posts on their blog..
#4. Sponsored Reviews:
Just Like The case of sponsored posts, many pro bloggers make money from sponsored Reviews. There are companis which Pay Pro bloggers to review their Products.
#5. Ask For Donation:
This is somehow awkward but it works atimes. Placing a Paypal donation button on their blog can bring income to them as many loyal reader/subscribers would want to appreciate their effort and information.
Title : 5 Ways Pro Bloggers Make Money Apart From Placing Adverts
Description : We all knows that showing adverts on blog is a means of generating income for the blog owner. But After Visiting Many professional blogs, i ...